It is the season of giving

We had a combined zone conference with all of the missionaries in SA, and it was super nice! We went to some game reserve park and I was able to see almost all my previous companions which was pretty cool. We also had a gift exchange and it was the most hyped gift exchange ever. I thought my gift was so lame but people kept stealing it from each other. It was a blue rubber squeaky duck. 

Since December this side doesn’t have much happen with missionary work, we’ve been spending a lot of time walking around empty streets, but we’ve also been spending a lot of time in members homes. I just love these members. They are so generous to us and there is also the same happy feeling walking out of any of their houses. Members of the church are the best. Especially when they are in a spirit of serving. 

We’ve been trying to get together with our whole flat complex and have a big christmas celebration with them, and they had to cancel, so a few days went on, and then this lady as we were leaving for an appointment called us to come over and she went and grabbed Malva pudding she made for me and Elder Curtis. Then we found out a little bit later that she was actually put into the hospital by an emergency a few days earlier and that’s why she called it off and she was super weak still. I was so touched by this woman’s effort to serve us as she has been concerned for us since we’re away from our family during this time of year. What a wonderful woman. But it was a good reminder to me that I never have an excuse to not serve.

We got our transfer news and me and Elder Curtis are staying together for another 7 weeks. So that will be sweet! TTFN from Pretoria North!

Hurrah For Israel!

-Elder Browning




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